Physical and emotional layers in the healing process

If your body is showing chronic health symptoms, this is an indication that your system has been in a state of overwhelm for a very long time. 

With overwhelm and chronic health symptoms, the body start to show incoherent patterns, a mixture of sympathetic, shutdown and everything in between. 

When you have been dealing with physical health issues, there isn’t much space for emotional processing, as the body is in extreme state of survival. 

When the physical symptoms start to improve, it’s not uncommon to see a lot of emotional layers to start showing up. 

It’s not easy, and at times unexplainable grief and feelings of depression can emerge out of nowhere. 

With no more basic level survival and physical symptoms to resolve, your system is now ready for the next step. 

It’s important to now address all these layers that were suppressed, buried deep down, with nowhere to go. 

Fear not, this is a sign that you are going deeper into your healing. 

