Monotasking will help heal your nervous system

The most common trend I see is that nervous systems are overwhelmed, overworked and confused with over stimulation. 

Your nervous systems is clever, adaptable and created to survive many challenges and traumas. 

But on the other hand, it craves homeostasis, peace and space to simply be. 

Being in silence, here and now, with God… 

Multitasking is something that has become a badge of honour in society, and it’s true that we need to multitask at times. 

But a life built around constant multitasking stops you being fully present for what is truly important. 

Your nervous system doesn’t thrive in the endless pressure of multitasking, quite the opposite. Rushing and constantly making yourself aimlessly busy create inner chaos and overwhelm. 

Give yourself more space instead of more pressure and constant sensory stimulation. 

Silence and a slower pace of life, give your nervous system time to process current information and to reorganise decades of overwhelm it has been under.

