Let's not make idols of body, emotions, sensations and the nervous system

I have been quiet for awhile. 
Partly because, for the first time in years, I allowed myself to take a couple of weeks off, but also because I have been meditating on the most important things of life. A life long quest that has come to a close in 2023 (story for another post).

For the last few years my page has been focused on pragmatic and effective ways of healing for people from all walks of life. 

What I know and the methods I trained in, have been a culmination of decades of trying to heal from chronic physical and emotional issues. I embody what I share on this page. 

My expertise make use of the natural law. I don’t apply any woo woo stuff in my work. I left new age beliefs a few years back and when I finally realised energy healing and new age were a complete waste of my time and money, I became agnostic for while. And it was then that I finally found truly effective and pragmatic ways of healing. Everyone has a body and a nervous system and that’s what I work with.

It’s true that to help regulate your nervous system, to heal from chronic conditions and to find trauma resolution it’s imperative to drawn attention to your bodily sensations, images, behaviour, affect (emotions) and meaning. 

I will expand on all these elements in a future post, but for now I just want to share that these are integral parts of your human composite. It’s simply natural law. 

Unfortunately, I have been noticing a strong trend, that keeps everyone in an unhelpful merry-go-round. The obsession with the self, emotions, sensations and nervous system. These are important aspects of the healing journey. Aspects of your humanity. But how we go about this makes all the difference in how we make progress in our own interior life. 

Going forward you might see different posts from me addressing these issues and issues beyond the natural law. After all, we are humans and not mere animals. We need more meaning and more tools to counteract the self-obsession of the healing journey. 

Each one of you are precious and loved. I very often pray for everyone who follows my page. 

Thank you for being here. Thank you journeying through life with me.

