Keep making sure that the part of you that is in charge of your healing is not the same part that "made" you sick in the first place.

Many of us who are facing chronic stress and chronic health symptoms come from a past of constant surviving.

♦️Self reliant - “I know what I’m doing. I don’t need help.”
♦️Little to no rest- rest feels unsafe.
♦️Perfectionism. Trying so hard to get it right.
Doing, doing, doing…

Then when it comes to healing, you bring the same type of energy and habits.

♦️Following all healing pages on Instagram.
♦️Trying all healing modalities possible.
♦️Forever buying online courses and programs.
♦️Controlling your diet.
♦️Constantly trying new supplements.

When you actually need:

🌿 Space to breathe.
🌿 To signal safety to your body.
🌿 To rest.
🌿 Gentleness.
🌿 To focus on one thing at the time.
🌿 To eat nourishing foods without obsessing about the details.

