Why I sometimes feel a level of discomfort after a somatic integration session?

Unresolved trauma remains “stuck” in the nervous system, muscles and tissues. 
Trauma is not what happens in your mind. The mind will make a meaning about it, but trauma happens in your physiology. 

When you decide to embark on a healing journey it can sometimes get a bit uncomfortable during a short period after a session. 

This is because your body is reorganising. Your body has been used to acting and reacting through old patterns; built as defensive accommodations/survival strategies. 

This work is helping to “melt” these old patterns, and when something melts a new space emerges and the body reorganises around it. 

On the other hand, you can also go through long periods of joy and ease, as your body and mind are finally living without reactive patterns, instead of being stuck in unfinished survival responses. 

The methods I use are extremely gentle, carefully designed not to cause retraumatization, but if you are a bit more sensitive and/or during the work you reach a deeper layer of unresolved trauma; you can experience a bit more discomfort. This is only temporary and only last a couple of days. 

The “treatment” is also heavily designed to build resilience in your nervous system. When this is done with the right amount of titration (in small increments), the body will only “release” and integrate what it perceives capable of, within your window of tolerance. That’s why good titration is key. 

Your body is intelligently designed and has its own wisdom. It knows how to reorganise. All you need to do is to commit to show up to your sessions to allow the healing to happen.

