The process of healing and integrating complex trauma

Trauma stored in the body comes up to be healed at its own mysterious rate. 

Healing is not linear. 

So when you start deep trauma work the first layers start to come off as the body starts to feel safer and more resilience is built into your nervous system. 

After a while, you may start to feel better, having less overwhelm and feel more in control over your life. Then you may get surprised that you feel freeze responses all over again. If this happens it doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. You are not going backwards. You are going deeper into your healing journey. 

At this point you may even ask yourself, why am I doing all of this for? What’s the point? Can I even truly heal?

Complex/developmental trauma starts from a very early age, for some people it even happen in the first few days and months in the mother’s womb.

Patience, consistency and perseverance is needed, as you will be healing very early traumas and deep wounds. Unthinkable occurrences that you as a baby and young child have no memories of. 

During these rough patches of your healing journey it’s important to remind yourself that God had a plan for you and that’s why you survived. Now you are given the opportunity to heal. To feel truly alive. 

The possibility of stop fighting life , finding more joy, peace and contentment becomes more available the deeper you go into your healing.

Keep going with gentleness, steadinesses and consistency. 

