Knowing the problem is not enough to stop the problem

We can understand and know all the reasons we are acting in such unproductive and harmful ways, but telling ourselves logically why we shouldn’t feel and act in such ways won’t change or resolve the issue.

No amount of talk therapy and mindset work helped me change patterns. Accessing the memory in the body, discharging the “stuck” fight/flight/freeze/shutdown responses and reorganising these memories somatically was what made all the difference in my journey.

That’s why somatic integration is extremely important.

Bessel A. van der Kolk expresses it accurately in this quote.

“No matter how much insight and understanding we develop, the rational brain is basically impotent to talk the emotional brain out of its own reality.”

What I have found working with clients and in my own personal experience, is that most often than not, it is not a prefrontal cortex (rational brain) problem, it is an emotional and reptilian brain issue.

